There are more than 100 retail energy suppliers in Maryland
(HARRISBURG, Pa.) February 13, 2023 – The Retail Energy Supply Association (RESA), the nation’s leading trade association representing competitive retail energy suppliers, reaffirms Maryland’s Public Service Commission (PSC) decision to seek enforcement of any retail supplier that does not operate within the commission’s consumer protection regulations and Maryland law.
For over 20 years, Maryland consumers have enjoyed a choice in their energy suppliers. Former Governor Parris Glendening signed Maryland’s 1999 Electric Choice and Competition Act which gives customers an alternative to purchasing energy for their home or business from a third-party retail supplier instead of a utility company.
“Maryland residents have access to many ethical third-party energy suppliers in the state. It’s unfortunate when a few ‘bad actors’ impact hundreds of companies that go above and beyond what’s required to ensure consumer protections are upheld,” said Tracy McCormick, executive director of RESA. “RESA strongly supports Chairman Stanek and the PSC to identify chronic, intentional offenders and revoke their license if necessary.”
Maryland is one of 13 states and the District of Columbia that has retail choice. Today, 20% of residential energy in Maryland is purchased through a third-party supplier. Retail energy suppliers sell directly to customers, using the local utility’s distribution system to deliver electricity or gas.
RESA’s principles include a strict policy of compliance with federal and state laws and advocates for fair and transparent business practices. The organization encourages all retail suppliers – RESA members and the 100+ retail energy suppliers serving Maryland – to self-monitor business and sales activities and proactively report any concerns to the PSC’s Consumer Affairs Division (CAD).
“Self-reporting in writing with CAD is a best practice we strongly encourage all retail suppliers to do proactively,” said McCormick. “Although the measure will not absolve a company from having a PSC investigation, it will be considered in a different light than if they do not.”
RESA supports honest competition and informed customers. RESA introduced legislation that was passed by the legislature and signed by Maryland’s Governor that requires suppliers to undergo annual compliance training and demonstrate an understanding of applicable laws and regulations. The organization will continue to pursue commonsense changes, which will raise the bar for all retail suppliers active in the state.
Maryland’s PSC operates the MD Energy Choice Website to assist consumers in comparing plans, products and rates to make an informed decision before purchasing electricity or natural gas from a retail supplier.
Consumers can file complaints at: and
RESA is a broad and diverse group of retail energy suppliers who share the common vision that competitive retail electricity and natural gas markets deliver a more efficient, customer-oriented outcome than a regulated utility structure. RESA is devoted to working with all stakeholders to promote vibrant and sustainable competitive retail energy markets for residential and industrial consumers. For more information, visit Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
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