Retail Energy
Choice Benefits Consumers
Retail Energy Supply Association
Advocating for
Retail Energy
Millions of consumers have chosen a new competitive energy supplier to take control of their energy costs and benefit from innovative services.
The Retail Energy Supply Association (RESA) is the nation’s leading trade association representing competitive retail energy suppliers. The organization strongly believes in putting the power of choice in the hands of consumers to give them greater control of their energy bills and products.

About Us
RESA is a broad and diverse group of retail energy suppliers who share the common vision that competitive retail energy markets deliver a more efficient, customer-oriented outcome than a regulated utility structure. The association is devoted to working with all stakeholders to promote vibrant and sustainable competitive retail energy markets for residential, commercial and industrial consumers.
Retail Energy
Consumers Should
Have a Choice
Today, millions of electricity customers have chosen a competitive supplier that has offered competitive rates, purchased renewable products and explored innovative new offers and plans. Although these are impressive numbers, it only represents 24% of the eligible customers that can shop for a competitive energy provider. Learn more about the history and benefits of retail supply.
Energy by State
Competitive retail energy suppliers sell electricity and natural gas in restructured energy markets to end-use customers. Retail energy competition stimulates product innovation and empowers consumers to seek value for their energy dollar but can only occur in states or jurisdictions where policy makers have acted to end the more than century-old practice of protected monopoly utility price regulation. Find out if your state allows retail energy suppliers to offer competitive products, plans and services.
Putting Control Into Consumers’ Hands
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