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EMC Announces RESA Member Richard Spilky As Conference Keynote Speaker

Energy Marketing Conferences

Join the Retail Energy Supply Association (RESA) and more than 600 energy industry representatives  in New York on October 7, 2021, for the Energy Marketing Conference (EMC) 16 – the largest retail energy conference in North America! RESA member Richard Spilky will be the event’s featured keynote speaker, and will discuss the myths versus facts about competitive energy.

Click HERE for the agenda and to learn how to register for the conference.

Richard Spilky

About the Speaker: Richard Spilky has 30 years of experience in the retail energy industry, and helps customers, legislators and regulatory bodies navigate the densely complex regulatory landscape of retail and wholesale power markets across the country. Spilky’s solutions-oriented approach and inherent understanding of how policy impacts energy markets has made him a trusted subject matter expert and advocate for retail suppliers, as well as a trusted resource for policymakers.